Eating (2010)
Animation / 9' 06''/ Drawing on paper and digital colouring
Synopsis: Imoha. His situation is not so good. He must dash, otherwise he will be late. Besides, he skipped his breakfast and he is hungry. He runs anyway.
Director / Seungwook Jang
Producer / Seungwook Jang, Hye-Jung Eun
Animation / Seungwook Jang, Tae Won Kim
Color / Seungwook Jang, Tae Won Kim
Editor / Seungwook Jang, Tae Won Kim
Effects / Tae Won Kim
Sound / Yoon Seok Oh
Music / Hee Chun Yoo, Yoon Seok Oh
Voice / Min Hyuk Jang
Foley Recording / Min Stop Lee
Support / Seoul Business Agency
2011 Prize for Independent Walk | Indie-Anifest | South Korea
2011 Honorable Mention | Seoul Animation Awards | South Korea
2011 Official Competition | Seoul International Cartoon & Animation Festival (SICAF) | South Korea
2011 Official Competition | Mise-en-scène Short Film Festival | South Korea
2011 Official Competition | Daegu Independent Short Film Festival | South Korea
2011 Official Competition | Ottawa International Animation Festival | Canada
2011 Official Competition | Asiana International Short Film Festival | South Korea